“If all the Christians should become lukewarm, till the whole church became nauseous, as the church of Laodicea, yet still the Lord Jesus will not fail nor be discouraged.”
Spurgeon’s comments on Isaiah 42 are a welcome reminder to the faithful servant of THE SERVANT. We serve the Lord Jesus Christ, the One who is never “weakened” or “crushed.” Spurgeon goes on to say, “Though you mourn over the disciples, rejoice over their Master. They faint and fly, but He shall not!” We are among those convinced that the Lord Jesus works in and through local churches. We are careful to recognized the local church as the instrument of God in the world during this dispensation. But the local church is a weak and weary instrument. The world has not become Christianized, but the church has become worldly. There are times when a thoughtful man of God will be tempted to despair over self and the assigned flock.
Never forget that our hope is not the instrument but in the One whom wields it! Pick your own metaphor: It is not about the violin, but the Master who plays it. It is not about the scalpel, but the Great Physician who cuts with it. It is not about the steeple light, but the Bright Morning Star. Jesus never fails. Our hope is in the Lord!
Scholars tell us that Isaiah 42:1 not only expresses the delight of God the Father in God the Son, but it declares the dependence within the Trinity. The word “uphold” equally means to lift and to lean. The Servant is lifted up and leaned upon. The eternal mission will be accomplished. The task guaranteed by the One sitting on the right hand of the Father. “He will not fail nor be discouraged.” Read Isaiah 42:1-13 and be reminded of our success in the Lord. We serve under the success of God’s Servant!